Staring at the display

After adding a conversion library and porting the LCD library from c18lib project, and adjusting the microseconds delay, I have a functional example. When you set the pins as outputs on the STM32CubeMX graphic configurator, you must rename them as follows: LCD_D7, LCD_D6, LCD_D5, LCD_D4, LCD_E, LCD_RS. Otherwise, the library will set her own default … Continue reading Staring at the display

One char after another…

I started the work to onewire library, to test the DS18B20 temperature sensor but realized that I don't know yet how to work with the serial transmission :(. So, I opened the STM32CubeMX for the configuration of a new project that will use the main serial port of the Arduino socket (on my Nucleo board, … Continue reading One char after another…