Crossroads without signs…

Usually. I chose the complete solution, the one that helps me get the most of it. As is the case with STM32CubeMX + OpenSTM32 IDEĀ + HAL drivers. But HAL does not give me the level of control I was used to, so Low Layer drivers are a very good addition. Unfortunately, OpenSTM32 does not offer … Continue reading Crossroads without signs…

A new morning shines at the horizon

Finally, the STM32CubeMX can generate Low Layer code for all STM32 microcontrollers! Thank you ST Microelectronics!I have taken an active pause, continuing with PIC18F microcontrollers, SDCC and XC8 compilers. Translating the library and examples for the DS18B20 temperature sensor, but these are yet to be committed in their repositories. I also tried to make an … Continue reading A new morning shines at the horizon