Testing tool modified to support SPL

And published to github.com. The tool creates the project's folder structure, copies the SPL driver inside and creates the required files for the Visual Studio Code editor. In general it had the role to clean the rust from my pascal language knowledge. Part of the code will be implemented in my Visual Pin Configurator. Here … Continue reading Testing tool modified to support SPL

Nucleo L152RE Visual Configurator… maybe

Hmm, this should be ok as a name for my code generator and as name says, it will address only one microcontroller and one specific board (maybe Visual Configurator for Nucleo L152RE board?). It will work with the SPL v.1.3.1 from ST Microelectronics for STM32L1xx family in the limits of the license provided with the … Continue reading Nucleo L152RE Visual Configurator… maybe