Alea iacta est

I've decided, Low Layer Driver it is. So, I am in the middle of porting my libraries to LL. Just finished checking the LCD4 library, and decided to make a code size comparison between the APIs (HAL and LL).The application is a "Hello World" type, testing the functionality of the library, with the main function … Continue reading Alea iacta est

TIM6 set for 1ms timer using ST Low Layer API

This is true for the STM32CubeMX 4.22.1 and STM32CubeL1 driver 1.8.0. Actually, CubeMX does not generate the complete functional code and the snippet included will serve for me as a future reference.TIM6 general timer is used as an alternative to the Systick until the Low Layer API will have the same features for the 1ms … Continue reading TIM6 set for 1ms timer using ST Low Layer API